With their muscular builds, sharp claws, and seemingly endless energy, Timor monitors may look like formidable reptiles.
But these monitor lizards, also known by their scientific name Varanus timorensis, have recently grown in popularity as pets.
While caring for these active lizards takes work, many reptile enthusiasts find Timor monitors can thrive in captivity when provided the proper habitat.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Timor monitors as pets. We’ll explore where these monitors come from, their typical behaviors, care requirements, diet, size, lifespan, and more.
Whether you’re an experienced herpetoculturist or new to the world of exotic pets, read on to learn what’s involved in keeping one of these unique monitor lizards.
Are Timor Monitors Good Pets?
Timor monitors can make for appealing and interactive pets, but they are not ideal for everyone.
These active lizards require expansive and carefully crafted enclosures with plenty of space to run and burrow.
They also need a varied diet of insects and meat along with meticulous husbandry.
An adult Timor monitor may grow over four feet long, so they are a major commitment.
Their sharp claws and hefty tails can also pose dangers, especially to children.
Timor monitors are intelligent and curious lizards that demand frequent stimulation as well.
Without proper handling, socialization, and enrichment, they may develop behavioral issues or health problems.
With attentive care, however, Timor monitors can thrive in captivity.
Their alert nature and loyalty toward caretakers who earn their trust make Timor monitors interesting pets.
Yet they are best suited for experienced reptile keepers prepared to provide appropriate housing and diet.
Research and planning are essential before acquiring a Timor monitor.
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Where Do Timor Monitors Come From?
The Timor monitor gets its name from its native island home of Timor, located in Southeast Asia between Indonesia and Australia.
Timor is divided between two countries – the western side belonging to Indonesia and the eastern half comprising the independent nation of Timor-Leste.
The lizards originate in the tropical forests, grasslands, and coastal environments of Timor and surrounding smaller islands like Roti, Semau, and Savu.
Timor has a hot, humid climate perfect for the Timor monitor, which is an arboreal species adept at climbing through jungle vegetation and hiding amongst the trees and foliage.
With Timor’s abundance of insects, small vertebrates, and sunny basking spots, the island’s varied habitats have allowed Timor monitor populations to thrive.
The lizards likely dispersed to nearby islands from Timor, spreading across the region while remaining endemic to this cluster of islands.
Whether caught locally or captive-bred, pet Timor monitors trace their ancestry solely to the rugged island of Timor.
Timor Monitor for Sale | Where to Buy a Timor Monitor
Thanks to captive breeding programs, Timor monitors are available for purchase from several online exotic pet retailers.
However, acquiring one of these exotic lizards requires careful research and consideration.
Exotic Reptiles Shop offers captive-bred Timor monitors starting at $199.99. Their animals come with a live arrival guarantee and overnight shipping options.
Underground Reptiles Hub also provides Timor monitors for sale at competitive rates.
Here Are additional popular websites to purchase Timor monitors.
- Backwater Reptiles – Juvenile Timor monitors starting at $199.99
- Backwater Reptiles – Timor monitors for sale at low prices with a live arrival guarantee
Timor monitors may also be available periodically from individual breeders. Private breeders can provide guidance on care but may have limited stock that sells out quickly.
When seeking a timor monitor, purchase only from reputable sellers who offer healthy specimens, guarantees, and care instructions.
Avoid wild-caught animals of dubious origin. Captive-bred timor monitors make for healthier, better-socialized pets.
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How Do You Take Care of A Varanus Timorensis?
So you’ve taken the plunge and purchased a Timor monitor. Successfully keeping one of these active lizards takes proper enclosure setup, diet, lighting, and handling.
Here are some tips on meeting the specialized needs of your Timor monitor pet.
A juvenile timor monitor should have an enclosure no smaller than a 40 gallon tank.
Adult timor monitors require large enclosures at least 6-8 feet long and 3-4 feet wide.
Provide ample climbing branches, rocks, and hides spread across the enclosure floor space.
Substrate can be a soil/sand mix that allows for burrowing.
Proper lighting and heating are also critical, with a basking area reaching around 120°F.
In the wild, timor monitors eat a varied diet of insects, arachnids, small vertebrates, and fish.
Offer your captive Timor monitor daily meals of appropriate-sized feeder insects like dubia roaches, crickets, mealworms, and superworms.
Dust prey with calcium and vitamin D3 powder to prevent deficiencies.
An adult Timor monitor can eat rodent pinkies or fish on occasion too.
Always watch your lizard’s weight and adjust feedings to avoid obesity.
Timor monitors benefit from full spectrum UVB lighting for 12-14 hours a day.
This allows for proper vitamin D3 synthesis. Use linear UVB bulbs designed for lizards in the right tank size.
Replace bulbs every 6-12 months per manufacturer instructions.
Timor monitors are generally shy and nervous by nature.
Gentle handling when young can help socialize them.
Support the lizard’s body fully and avoid tail grasping.
Move slowly and give the Timor monitor time to become comfortable.
With routine gentle handling, your pet monitor can become quite tame and personable.
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Can Timor Monitors Be Housed Together?
Though Timor monitors are solitary in the wild, they can often be safely housed together in captivity provided certain conditions are met.
Ideally, timor monitors housed together should be introduced at a young age.
Monitor lizards can be very territorial, so babies raised communally are less likely to become aggressive toward cage mates as adults.
The enclosure must also provide ample space and resources. Each timor monitor should have areas for basking, hiding, and retreating from cage mates as needed.
Crowding stresses monitors and increases antagonistic behavior.
Male-female or all female groups tend to fare best. Two males may dispute over territory and females.
Never house multiple males together during breeding season.
Monitor signs of stress like decreased appetite, hiding, or aggression. Separate any individuals showing prolonged signs of stress from cage mates.
With proper introductions and environment, Timor monitors can live harmoniously together.
But be prepared to separate them if issues arise. Their well-being should come before exhibiting “community” monitors.
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How Long Do Timor Monitors Live?
In the wild, Timor monitors typically live around 5-10 years.
Their harsh native environment presents many hazards from predators to difficulty finding food and water in dry seasons.
Captive Timor monitors kept as pets, however, can surpass their wild counterparts by living 15-20 years or more with proper care and husbandry.
Providing your Timor monitor with an adequately sized enclosure, heating/lighting, sanitation, varied diet, and enrichment allows it to thrive in a safe environment.
Annual vet checkups catch any potential health issues early as well. Avoiding obesity and metabolic bone disease also promotes longevity.
With attentive care taking, your pet tTimor monitor could be by your side for over two decades.
Their long captive lifespan allows plenty of time to bond with these intelligent lizards.
Timor monitors may take patience, but putting in the work lets you reap the rewards of their company for many years.
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Final Thoughts
Timor monitors are fascinating reptiles that have recently surged in popularity as exotic pets.
Their alert nature, ability to bond with their owners, and impressive size make them appealing to experienced herpetoculturists.
However, Timor monitors are definitely not beginner pets.
Providing the proper enclosures to allow climbing, burrowing, and hiding is essential for their health and stimulation.
Their varied diets of insects and select meats also requires research and commitment.
Timor monitors additionally need attentive handling when young to become comfortable human interactions as adults.
While their care takes dedication, a well-adjusted Timor monitor can be an interactive companion animal.
They display behaviors and intelligence you won’t find in the average reptile pet.
For those prepared to give them what they need, Timor monitors offer a uniquely rewarding pet experience.
If you seek a monitor lizard, weigh your ability to meet their needs.
While demanding pets, Timor monitors can thrive and impress when cared for correctly.
Do plenty of research before getting a monitor to ensure you can handle this responsibility.
A Timor monitor is a long-term commitment, but rewarding for devotees of these personable lizards.
What is the Timor monitors natural habitat?
Timor monitors are native to the tropical forests, grasslands, and coastal areas of the island of Timor and surrounding islands in Southeast Asia.
Does monitor lizard bite humans?
Yes, monitor lizards including timor monitors can bite if threatened or handled incorrectly. Their bites can cause injury.
What do Timor monitors eat?
Timor monitors are insectivores and eat a variety of insects, arachnids, small vertebrates like rodents and fish in the wild.
In captivity they eat feeder insects, rodent pinkies, fish.
How big do Timor monitors get?
Timor monitors can grow over 4 feet long from head to tail tip. They are a large monitor species.
Do Timor monitors burrow?
Yes, Timor monitors will dig and use burrows in the wild and should be provided deep substrate for burrowing opportunity in captivity.
Do Timor monitors enjoy being held?
Timor monitors are generally shy and not fond of handling, but captive bred monitors can become acclimated to calm handling when socialized early on.
Are Timor monitors legal in massachusetts?
Yes, timor monitors are legal to own as pets in Massachusetts under permit and regulations through the MA Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.
Resources – (for further reading)
Wikipedia – Varanus timorensis
Mass.gov – Wildlife as pets
Dubia.com – Timor Monitor Care Sheet

Maya’s love for reptiles started in her teens with a pet snake. It grew into a collection of geckos, snakes, and more. She also cares for birds and cats, making a cozy home menagerie.